Thursday 28 June 2012

A Blackbird / My Daughter

I never stood so long watching a blackbird singing,
Until you showed me how.

We were returning to the back door of the house when you saw him.
I started telling you what I knew about the species, anatomy, feeding habits, habitat,
Until I caught your expression, which said

'No, Dad, you just don't get it.
Stand still, here, with me, silently,
And watch the blackbird singing.'

Sunday 10 June 2012


Don't cry.
Don't laugh.
Don't snigger.
Don't sing.
Don't smile.
Don't frown
Don't say a thing.
Don't blink.
Don't wink.
Don't sip your drink.
Don't put your hands in your pockets and think.
Don't stand up straight.
Don't tie back your hair.
Don't move a cushion from here to there.
Don't open an umbrella.
Don't scratch your arm.
Don't set the time on your bedside alarm.
Don't lick an ice-cream.
Don't smell a flower.
Don't toss back your hair while you take a shower.
Don't wander or whimper
Or shuffle or shiver
Or gaze or giggle
Or cough or quiver.
Don't eat.
Don't drink.
Don't breathe in the air.

Don't do anything, love,
when I'm not there.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

A Snowflake Falls

A snowflake falls.
A snowflake lands on a leaf.
A snowflake melts, slowly.
A snowflake slides into the centre of a leaf.
A snowflake runs down a leaf.
A snowflake falls.

A leaf waits.
A leaf is struck by a snowflake.
A leaf is cooled by a snowflake.
A leaf lets a snowflake slide into its midst.
A leaf bends down, a little.
A leaf waits.