Monday 29 October 2012


Is this how life, the universe and everything started?
A greenish, thick primordial soup.
A breath of inspiration hollowing out a new, shimmering creation,
And a sharp 'O' sending it on its way.

Is this how first love felt?
A blemishless thing filled with light and air
Yet too fragile to bear examination.

And is this how joy is passed between generations?
The shrill voice of a child and a child's hand exploding into life
And the wet pieces of it all falling.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Something in Common

Whenever I talk to people, they talk back to me.
It's strange I know, but there it is, and I can't
Help but feel a truth lies hidden in this statement
That will enlighten many.  It's far beyond my meagre
Powers to say much more about it, but maybe if we
Work together, you and I, we shall have some success.

Why don’t you start us off – tell me a story.  Something
Simple, something truthful, something that will help me
Understand the workings of your mind.  Thankyou, yes,
This is very interesting – I too was born, I can’t deny it.
I believe it happens to many of us.  But this is good.
We have something great in common and it will serve us well.

Now, please, you ask me something.  Ah, very good.
What do I expect for the future?  Well, friend,
I suppose I hope for many things, but the one
Event of which I’m certain is that I’ll die.  Oh – you
Agree?  Well, this is excellent. We are not so different,
You and I!  Come comrade, brother, fellow sojourner,
Let us walk arm-in-arm and talk of many things!

Friday 12 October 2012


Some men are born happy.
Some men achieve happiness.
Some men have happiness thrust upon them.
And some men are happy when they see you smile.

Battery Life

I shorten your life.
Like a mayfly, you live for just one day.

Sometimes you give up the fight early.
I get frustrated at you for not trying harder, for not battling on.

Watch you don't consume things that are bad for your health. GPS. Facebook updates. Videos. Downloads.
You'll only shorten your life expectancy.

Stick to what you know is good for you. Text messages. Short phone calls. Browsing news sites.
And you'll do well, live long, be strong. Keep your colour.

So fight on through to the end of the day, to the cool, welcoming embrace of night, to be plugged in to the great electric spirit in the sky, and to be reborn.

The Flower is Blooming

The flower is blooming.
Think of the bus doors as they tug open to
Greet the crisp morning air.

The bird is singing.
Think of the office phone chirruping to let you know
Someone is there.

The sun is shining.
Think of the microwave glowing brightly
As it warms up your meal.

The world is turning.
Think of the Compact Disc spinning round,
In a delicate pirouette.

Evening is falling.
Think of your digital alarm standing on guard as you sleep
Until another day.